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Mayor's Office

Gabinete do Prefeito - GBP


Municipal Comptroller-General's Office

Controladoria Geral do Município - CGM

The Municipal Comptroller-General's Office is responsible for executing the financial, accounting, budgetary and asset control of all the City's departments, be them Secretariats, Institutes or Foundations. It's main tasks entail overseeing all actions from the City's departments regarding their legality, legitimacy, economicity, reasonableness and when pertaining to grants or income remission.



Municipal Attorney General's Office

Procuradoria Geral do Município - PGM

The Municipal Attorney General's Office (PGM) is the governing body of the Municipal Legal System, responsible for the judicial and extrajudicial defense of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, for the legal advice of municipal bodies, as well as for the registration and collection of municipal debt.



Municipal Special Secretariat of Institutional Relations

Secretaria Especial de Relações Institucionais - SERI

The secretariat is responsible for articulating with the other departments of the municipal administration and the sub-prefectures.



City Hall Executive Office

Secretaria Municipal da Casa Civil - CVL

The Municipal Secretariat of the Executive Office works as a solutions office of the City of Rio de Janeiro. Responsible for the planning and execution of most of the strategic and management projects of the municipal administration, the secretariat is also in charge of political, institutional and administrative coordination.



Municipal Secretariat for Social Services and Human Rights

Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e Direitos Humanos (SMASDH)

The mission of SMASDH is to implement the National Social Assistance Policy in the city of Rio de Janeiro to guarantee access to social and welfare rights for citizens and groups in situations of social vulnerability. To this end, it promotes and supports the implementation of the National Human Rights Policy in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.



Municipal Secretariat for Public Services and the Environment

Secretaria Municipal de Conservação e Meio Ambiente

The Secretariat is responsible for conserving, maintaining and caring for the environment and infrastructure of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It aims to improve the quality of service on public roads in the municipality; enhance and restore the public space and natural and environmental assets of the city; And to program methods and routines for the conservation, maintenance and service activities in the city.



Municipal Secretariat of Culture

Secretaria Municipal de Cultura - SMC

The purpose of the Municipal Culture Secretariat is to develop public policies focused on enhancing the cultural diversity of Rio and democratizing access to cultural assets. Our investments, both in the promotion of artistic activity and in the improvement of our network of cultural equipments, reflect the basic concern of offering opportunities to an increasing number of producers and directors and broadening the capillarity of the actions of the Municipal Culture Secretariat.


Municipal Secretariat for Development, Employment and Innovation

Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento, Emprego e Inovação - SMDEI

The Secretariat performs public policies of work and employment through municipal and federal programs focused on the intermediation of labor, qualification, professional re-qualification and income generation, among others. It aims to promote social welfare, focusing on the creation of job opportunities, developing actions and activities with emphasis on the income generation of the needy population, in the qualification and requalification of labor.



Municipal Secretariat for Education, Sports and Recreation

Secretaria Municipal de Educação, Esporte e Lazer


The Secretariat's mission is to elaborate the education policy of the City of Rio de Janeiro, to coordinate its implementation and to evaluate its results, and to foster a healthy and inclusive life through sport and leisure.. With the objective of ensuring excellence in Public Education in Primary Education and Early Childhood Education, it contribute to form individuals who are autonomous and qualified to develop professionally and as citizens.
It is the responsibility of the Department of Education to take care of Early Childhood Education (6 months to 5 years); Of Elementary School (1st to 9th grade) and of Youth and Adult Education in the city of Rio de Janeiro.



Municipal Secretariat of Finance

Secretaria Municipal de Fazenda - SMF

The Municipal Finance Department of Rio de Janeiro is responsible for coordinating and controlling the economic, tax, fiscal and budgetary administration of the City, as well as to provide and manage resources to improve the social welfare. It is also incumbent upon the SMF to institute taxes such as IPTU, ISS (except interstate and intercity and communications services) and ITBI. The Treasury has full legislative competence, that is, it can determine the incidence of taxes, ways of launching and collecting, as well as modes of collection and inspection.



Municipal Secretariat for Public Order

Secretaria Municipal de Ordem Pública - SEOP

The Municipal Secretariat of Public Order (Seop) is a regulatory and oversight body for all economic activity and municipal regulations. Seop's mission is to organize the public space through compliance with laws such as itinerant commerce (Law 1876/92) and the Code of Municipal Postures (Decree 29.881 / 2008). To this end, it carries out inspection activities in areas such as economic activities, authorization and inspection of publicity, authorization of events and the planning of public space, including beaches, and the fight against irregular parking.



Municipal Secretariat of Health

Secretaria Municipal de Saúde - SMS


The Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS) is the agency of the City of Rio de Janeiro responsible for formulating and implementing municipal health policy. As part of the Unified Health System (SUS), the Secretariat is guided by the principles of this system, which aims to promote health, prioritizing preventive actions and democratizing relevant information so that the population knows their rights and the risks to their health.


Municipal Secretariat of Transportation

Secretaria Municipal de Transportes - SMTR


The Municipal Transportation Department is responsible for projects to improve the quality of transportation to public passengers, with the aim of promoting more safety and comfort for the population. The SMTR regulates and supervises the following transport modes: conventional and special buses; Taxis; Local Public Transportation System (STPL), in the bidding phase; Special Complementary Transport (TEC); School bus; And passenger chartering.



Municipal Secretariat for Urbanism, Infrastructure and Housing

Secretaria Municipal de Urbanismo, Infraestrutura e Habitação


The Secretariat is responsible for city planning, regularization and licensing of works, revitalization, construction of new equipment, improvements in road access and implementation of essential public services. Also under its responsibility are the housing and urbanization programs of the city's communities.






Municipal Company of Urban Cleaning Services

Companhia Municipal de Limpeza Urbana – COMLURB

The Municipal Urban Cleaning Company - Comlurb - is the largest public cleaning organization in Latin America. A joint-stock corporation, has the City of Rio de Janeiro as majority shareholder. It manages solid waste in an efficient, sustainable and universalized way.



Rio de Janeiro Municipal Company of Tourism

Empresa de Turismo do Município do Rio de Janeiro - RIOTUR

RIOTUR - Tourism Company of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro SA - mixed economy society, is the executive body of the Special Secretariat for Tourism and has the purpose of implementing the tourism policy of the City of Rio de Janeiro, formulated by the Secretariat, in accordance with the guidelines and programs dictated by the Municipal Administration.

The main objective of RIOTUR is the capture of tourist flows from the national and international markets to the city of Rio de Janeiro, triggering the tourism productive chain, generating the inflow of foreign exchange, new money, increased supply of jobs and of the collection of taxes, strengthening the economy of the City.



Municipal Film Distribution Company

Empresa Distribuidora de Filmes S.A. - RIOFILME

RioFilme is a mixed economy company of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro linked to the Municipal Secretary of Culture and works in the areas of distribution, support to the expansion of the exhibition market, stimulation of the formation of the public and promotion of audiovisual production, aiming at the effective development of the audiovisual industry in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the distribution of films, RioFilme supports events such as festivals, shows and fairs linked to the audiovisual market.



Municipal Print Company - City Press

Empresa Municipal de Artes Gráficas - Imprensa da Cidade - IC

The purpose of the City Press is to publish and distribute the Official Gazette of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and its supplements, as well as execute, privately, graphic services for all organs and entities of the Direct, Indirect and Foundation Administration of the Municipality.

Books, leaflets, brochures, bulletins, posters and printed material are also produced for the dissemination and operation of all services and projects of the Municipality



Municipal Information Technology Company

Empresa Municipal de Informática - IPLANRIO

IPLANRIO is the municipal company responsible for managing the Information and Communication Technology resources of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Created by Law no. 140 of November 14, 1979, its current organizational structure is composed of Technical and Advisory Offices, as well as Functional Units, known as Local IT Technical Management, which act in a personalized way with their clients, agencies and entities Municipalities.


Municipal Multimedia Company

Empresa Municipal de Multimeios Ltda. - MULTIRIO

Created on October 18, 1993, MultiRio - Municipal Multimedia Company, linked to the Municipal Department of Education of the City of Rio de Janeiro, fulfills the mission of researching languages, formats and technological solutions in curricular contents for the dissemination of knowledge .

Through the digital platform, MultiRio offers more than 7,000 titles, including videos, podcasts, news articles, publications, animations, children's books with augmented reality, digital interactive games, 3D conversion series, virtual reality videos and holographic simulations.



Municipal Energy and Lighting Company

A Companhia Municipal de Energia e Iluminação - Rioluz


The Municipal Energy and Lighting Company - Rioluz is a privately held public company created to manage the city's public lighting system. Provides license and supervises the installers and conservative companies of: elevators, escalators, inclined planes, cable cars and systems of central air-conditioning and mechanical exhaustion.


Municipal Public Health Company of Rio de Janeiro

Empresa Pública de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro – RioSaúde


Approved by the City Council in May 2013 (Law 5,586 / 2013), RioSaúde contributes to the advances of the public health offered to the citizens of Rio de Janeiro, acting in the management of health units of the municipality and also providing services to the Municipal Department of Health.






Rio de Janeiro Municipal Gard

Guarda Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - GM-Rio


The Municipal Gard is responsible to:
- protect the municipal property, services and facilities;
- organize, manage and monitor vehicle traffic in its territory;
- nsure the right of the community to enjoy or use public goods, in compliance with legal requirements;
- protect the environment and the historical, cultural and ecological heritage of the municipality;
- provide support to the national and foreign tourist.


Municipal Pensions and Securities Institute

Instituto de Previdência e Assistência - PREVI-RIO


The Institute of Social Security and Assistance of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro was created in 1987 as an autarchy with legal personality of internal public law, administrative autonomy and own equity and financial management. The Institute's current responsibilities are:
- To administer the Municipality's Private Pension Scheme, the Special Pension Fund of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro - Funprevi;
- Grant benefits and provide services to its insured persons.


Municipal Consumers' Rights Institute

Instituto Municipal de Defesa do Consumidor - Procon Carioca

PROCON-RIO, Municipal Agency for Consumer Protection and Defense, a member of the National System of Consumer Protection-SNDC, designed to promote education, guidance, protection, supervision and consumer protection actions, especially when it presents local interest



Instituto Municipal de Urbanismo Pereira Passos - IPP

Pereira Passos Municipal Urbanism Institute

Pereira Passos Institute is responsible for the management of information for the conduction of several large scale projects, such as Rio Cidade, Favela Bairro, Orla Rio and Porto Maravilha. This information is open for use and consultation of the press and the entire population of Rio de Janeiro through the Armazém de Dados site, created in 2001.





City of Arts Foundation

Fundação Cidade das Artes

The City of Arts Foundation's mission is to manage one of the most important and complete spaces for the representation of the arts in the country. The sculptural building of 97,000 square meters of built-up area in five nuclei, designed by the French architect Christian de Portzamparc and erected in the heart of Barra da Tijuca, houses two rooms for shows and 21 multipurpose spaces composed of three cinemas (two of 150 and one of 300 seats), art gallery, rehearsal rooms, classrooms, shops, cafeteria and a restaurant.

Since its inauguration in 2012, the City of Arts has been the scene of plays, recitals and musical concerts, workshops, important festivals in the Rio calendar such as the Brasil Jazz Festival, Back2Black, Rio Film Festival and conferences and congresses, such as the International Cities & Transportation Congress - EMBARQ Brasil and EmTech Brasil.



Municipal Water Institute Foundation

Fundação Instituto das Águas do Município do Rio de Janeiro - RIO-ÁGUAS

RIO-ÁGUAS is responsible for planning and equiping the City of Rio de Janeiro with rainwater management systems aiming at flood control, the quality of water bodies and promoting sanitation, guaranteeing sustainable actions and direct benefits to the population.


City of Rio de Janeiro Zoological Garden Foundation

Fundação Jardim Zoológico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - RIOZOO

The foundation is responsible for managing the Rio de Janneiro zoo. The mission of the RIOZOO Foundation is to practice environmental conservation through captive management and reproduction works, collaborating with the maintenance of a genetic bank of endangered species, as well as developing environmental education programs, disseminating concepts on the biology of animals and raising the awareness of the population about the importance of environmental preservation, besides representing a center of scientific development and important space for leisure and entertainment for the community.



João Goulart Foundation

Fundação João Goulart - FJG


The Foundation is Responsible for the creation and execution of processes and routines necessary to deepen meritocracy and management by results in Rio de Janeiro City Hall. It identifies and develops City Hall leaders, helping to direct their professional development and allocation. This area monitors the "Carioca Leaders" project individually and assists the upper ranks of the City Hall in succession processes for strategic positions.



Parks and Gardens Foundation

Fundação Parques e Jardins - FPJ


Founded in 1893 and currently linked to the Municipal Department of the Environment, the Parks and Gardens Foundation is responsible for the administration of urban municipal parks, planning, landscaping, afforestation and projects, as well as normative acts related to squares, parks and management of the afforestation.



City of Rio de Janeiro Planetarium Foundation

Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - PLANETÁRIO


The Planetarium Foundation is an instrument of research and dissemination of astronomy and related sciences. It offers visitors courses, exhibitions, interactive experiments, summit sessions, guided visitation to the museum, weekly sky observations and much more.



Geotechnical Institute Foundation

Fundação Instituto de Geotécnica - Geo-Rio


Geo-Rio is responsible for the containment of slopes, surveys and registration of the geological-geotechnical characteristics of soils, rocks and deposits of construction materials and for the licensing and inspection of the projects containing hillsides and exploration of deposits of the private initiative. Geo-Rio is also responsible for licensing the construction in hillside area.