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International Relations Department
Rio wins Milan Pact award

24/10/2019 14:41:00

The Hortas Cariocas Program promoted by Rio de Janeiro City Hall received the Milan Pact Award during the 5th Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Annual Gathering, in Montpellier, France.
The prize was awarded in the Food Production category for its commitment to encourage actions that promote urban agroecology and quality food production, at affordable prices and creating job opportunities.
Mayor Marcelo Crivella highlighted the importance of the prize: "It is a celebration for us. The recognition from the international community shows that we are on the right track by developing solutions that contribute significantly to addressing the worrying effects of climate change and providing alternatives for economic and social development for our population."
The Hortas Cariocas (green gardens) identifies areas with the potential to become or host urban farms in communities in need and municipal public schools and promote urban and organic agriculture.

There are 42 green gardens in the City, 18 in low-income communities and 24 in municipal schools, that produce monthly 7.2 tons of fruits and vegetables.

Half of the production must be donated to municipal schools and vulnerable communities and the other part can be sold, generating additional income for the community.
The City of Rio de Janeiro signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact in 2016 has been promoting urban food policies that foster Food and Nutrition Security.